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Principle_6_6-8, 6c. Oceans have influenced our history Isolationism, Concept 6b: Humans depend on the ocean 6d. Over 50% of the world's population live within 100 miles of the coast, Humans have developed tools to explore the ocean. New technologies such as ROVs, Humans have developed tools to explore the ocean. Improved technology has changed the ways we use the ocean, Concept 6b: Humans depend on the ocean 6c. Oceans have influenced our history, 6a There is no life with- out the ocean (oceans provide the basic support for life) Photo- synthesis occurs in oceans as well as on land, Concept 6g People can protect the ocean Environmental projects for students, 6a There is no life with- out the ocean (oceans provide the basic support for life) Oceans influence climate which influences population distribution (ice age), 6a There is no life with- out the ocean (oceans provide the basic support for life) The ocean influences world climate patterns, What we put into the environment can affect the ocean, its life, and life on land People and oceans influence and are influenced by climate