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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Network Literacy, 1.0. Networks Are Everywhere Concept 1.4 1.4. There are economic networks e.g., networks of products, financial transactions, corporate partnerships, internationl trades, etc, Network Literacy Resources Big Idea 1 1.0. Networks Are Everywhere, The concept of networks is broad and general, and it describes how things are connected to each other. Networks are present in every aspect of life. K-2 Health, The concept of networks is broad and general, and it describes how things are connected to each other. Networks are present in every aspect of life. 3-5 Health, 1.0. Networks Are Everywhere Concept 1.3 1.4. There are economic networks e.g., networks of products, financial transactions, corporate partnerships, internationl trades, etc., The concept of networks is broad and general, and it describes how things are connected to each other. Networks are present in every aspect of life. 9-12 Health, 1.0. Networks Are Everywhere Concept 1.2. 1.2. There are networks that form the technical infrastructure of our society - e.g., communication systems, semantic systems, the Internet, electrical grids, the water supply, etc, The concept of networks is broad and general, and it describes how things are connected to each other. Networks are present in every aspect of life. 6-8 Health, 1.0. Networks Are Everywhere Concept 1.1 The concept of networks is broad and general, and it describes how things are connected to each other. Networks are present in every aspect of life.